Published in The Ararat Advocate, Ararat's weekly newspaper published by West Vic News Pty Ltd.
A NEW website has been unveiled to further connect Moyston residents, new and old.
The Moyston Progress Association first flagged plans to build a community site at the beginning of last year when it became clear new residents couldn’t easily access community information.

The site launched last month is a one-stop shop for everything Moyston, linking site visitors to community group contacts, local services, upcoming events and highlights the township’s pioneer and AFL history.
Association president, Max McLean, said while the already existing community Facebook page is of great benefit, it does not allow for long-term information.
“We were looking for something that new residents could go to and use as a reference for what was around town, instead of having to try and find out everything themselves,” he said.
“Once it's on paper, it's out of date the day it is printed so we decided to go with electronic means and a website.”
Having moved to Moyston three years ago, Fiona Lucas has headed the project as the association’s vice-president, with assistance from Mr McLean and secretary, Rosie Nater.
Ms Lucas said within a couple of hours after posting a notice on the Moyston Facebook page to seek assistance with developing a site, the stars aligned perfectly.
“We had a response from a part-time resident... who was looking for a way that she could give to the community in a remote setting and her expertise is building websites, unbelievable,” she said.
Thanks to the help of Claire Wells’ web design skills, the association was able to collate information and let Ms Wells pull it together visually.
Ms Lucas said one of the added benefits of the site is its ability to host digitalised historical photographs. A project that was recently undertaken by the Moyston Hall Committee.
“Old and new residents, residents who have left - they can sit in the comfort of their lounge chair and read all about the history,” she said.
Tracy Carroll moved to Moyston just eight months ago to escape metropolitan life in Melton.
She has fallen in love with the small Moyston community and couldn’t speak highly enough of how helpful the new website has been.
“It just introduces you to people, the community, what groups are going around and allows you to get your hand into meet people straightaway. Especially the history, that's amazing,” she said.
The website has already welcomed about 200 site visitors and can be viewed by visiting